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Immigration to Croatia


Application for Croatian citizenship Aliens (persons not having Croatian citizenship) can acquire Croatian citizenship by naturalization upon having submitted an application for Croatian citizenship, provided they meet the prerequisites laid down by the Croatian Citizenship Act.

The application is submitted at the local Police Administration or police station in the Republic of Croatia, or at the competent diplomatic mission or consular post of the Republic of Croatia abroad.

The procedure for acquiring Croatian citizenship is carried out by the Ministry of the Interior and the decision issued by the Minister. Croatian citizenship is acquired on the day of the receipt of a positive decision.

Once the positive decision has been served, the person is entered into the Register of Citizens at the competent registry office. A certificate of Croatian citizenship is issued at the competent registry office.


When applying for Croatian citizenship, the following shall be submitted:

Letter of application Questionnaire Curriculum vitae Birth certificate Certificate of citizenship

The Certificate on Impunity by competent foreign authority of the state of which the applicant is citizen and the state in which he has permanent stay, in original or in properly certified photocopy with translation to Croatian language, not older than 6 months

Valid identity document, a certified copy Administrative fee in the amount of KN 20.00

For minor children, a birth certificate, a certificate of citizenship and a written consent of a child older than 14 shall also be submitted.

Depending on the grounds for acquiring Croatian citizenship, other documents shall be submitted as well:

- If Croatian citizenship is acquired on grounds of the residence in the Republic of Croatia - proof of legal residence and its duration in the Republic of Croatia (alien identity card, certificate of registered residence, travel document with entered data on residence),


- If Croatian citizenship is acquired on grounds of being born in the Republic of Croatia - proof of legal residence and its duration in the Republic of Croatia (alien identity card, certificate of registered residence, travel document with entered data on residence),

- If Croatian citizenship is acquired on grounds of marriage to a Croatian national - documents proving permanent settlement status, marriage certificate not older than six months, spouse’s certificate of Croatian citizenship,

- Members of the Croatian nation shall submit documents of older date proving their own declaration of nationality or of their parents – birth certificates, marriage certificates, student’s course and grade books, school certificates, employment record cards etc.


- Emigrants shall submit documents proving their emigration from the territory of the Republic of Croatia, and descendants of emigrants should also prove their kinship to the emigrant (children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren),

- An alien whose admission to Croatian citizenship would be of interest for the Republic of Croatia shall also submit the opinion of the competent ministry on the existence of interest for the admission into Croatian citizenship,

- A person who has been released from Croatian citizenship shall also submit proof of the acquisition of foreign citizenship as well as proof of the termination of Croatian citizenship.

In case of a positive decision, an administrative fee in the amount of KN 1,500.00 shall be paid in the country, or at a diplomatic / consular post in accordance with consular fees.


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