Route calculation
Route calculation

Railway stations of Croatia


Croatias domestic train system is relatively limited but offers a safe and comfortable alternative to bus travel. Even though train travel within Croatia is not as extensive as bus travel Croatians are proud of their "high-speed" train between Zagreb and Split via Zadar which has cut travel time from the capital to the coast to a mere to 5 & 1/2 hours. Other useful trains include:

Zagreb to Zadar: check schedules, fares, book

Zagreb to Split: check schedules, fares, book

Zagreb to Rijeka: check schedules, fares, book

Zagreb to Pula (partly by bus): check schedules, fares, book

Zagreb to Osijek: check schedules, fares, book

Zadar to Sibenik and Split: check schedules, fares, book

Remember that the only train link along the coast is between Zadar, Sibenik and Split. There are no trains to Dubrovnik.


Classes of Train Travel

There are several different classes of train travel with the cheapest being passenger trains which offer unreserved 2nd-class seating. Express trains have 1st and 2nd class cars plus sleeping cars for the night trains from Zagreb to Zadar and Split.



Buying Train Tickets in Croatia

You can reserve and buy your train tickets from any train station in Croatia and pay using any major credit card. At the Croatian Railways site you can get schedules and prices in English but you cannot book online. But you can book online at RailEurope which serves North America or Rail Europe Australia or Rail Europe UK Plus your tickets are delivered to your home so you can leave with a clear head knowing that all your arrangements are made.


Rail Passes in Croatia

Croatia is part of the Eurail Pass system. You can travel to Croatia on a Eurail Pass, a regional pass or travel in Croatia on a Croatia Rail Pass


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