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Internet Providers of Croatia


Internet penetration in Croatia is the highest of all Balkan countries, on level with Eastern European countries. Different types of connections exist: dial-up, DSL, Satellite, 3G mobile and cable. Broadband is largely available in Croatian cities, but the countryside is not yet very well covered.

Broadband speeds in Croatia vary between providers and locations. First, you should check that your area is covered (especially if you live in the countryside).


T-com (former Hrvatski Telekom meaning Croatian Telecom) is the major internet provider, as they own the majority of the infrastructure. Optima Telekom and Metronet Telekomunikacije also provide TriplePlay packages (fixed line, internet and television).

Other broadband providers include Amis Telekom .

The easiest and most practical way of getting up-to-date information on the contract types is through their websites. Of course, you can also go to any shop and they will help you. Do not feel obligated to order immediately.


TriplePlay packages in Croatia start from 100 Kuna a month.


Dial-up connections in Croatia offer three different payment options: Pay as you go, paying only the minutes that you were connected, at the rate of a normal voice call (this is good for occasional users) Partial flat rate, for usage of only a set amount of hours or at set times Full flat rate, for a connection any time, for as long as you want (this is better for regular users)

People who make an intense use of the internet should not be considering dial-up, which is not only excruciatingly slow but also expensive.

For a dial-up connection, ask your home line provider as they are the ones who set it up


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