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This is a small Croatian town founded in medieval and located at the western coast of Istria peninsula only 10 kilometers away from Porec. The famous Croatian Lim Fjord Bay which penetrates a few kilometers into the continent and really looks like fjord (though it is not a fjord but a flooded estuary) is located near Vrsar.


In this Bay people grow oysters and fish which you can taste in a local restaurant during an excursion along the Bay. Besides the pearl of Varsar shore is kind of a collar consisting of 18 islands on one of which the internationally famous Koversada nudist complex is located. The beaches of Vrsar are concrete platforms equipped with ladders leading to the sea. In its coves you can also find shingle beaches.

There are lots of coastal cafes and restaurants available in Vrsar. Being close to Rovinj and Porec lets you visit their discos and entertainment complexes.



The name Vrsar is very old and mentioned in medieval sources spelled differently: Orsera, Vrsarium, Ursaria. Linguists suppose that the root of name Ursaria is a Mediterranean word «Ur» (a spring) – sailors gathered potable water in the outskirts of Vrsar when they passed these places.

A lot of historical and architectural monuments are preserved in the old part of the town, they are the harbor, the Town Gate, old churches and castles.



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