Route calculation
Route calculation



Opatja is a coastal climatic resort located to the north-west of Rijeka. It is noted for beneficial location in the cave of Kvarner Bay – bottom of 1396 meters-high Ucka Mountain. Average temperature here is much higher than in the neighboring regions, and this is why local parks are full of exotic plants like magnolia, camellia, bamboo and palms. The name of the town (in Croatian it means «abbey») is generated from a benedictian monastery which was being built in 1400 to 1440.


Since the middle of the 19th century Opatija has been a prestigious health resort which gained popularity among the grand people of Austria-Hungary and Italy. Particularly, local villas and mansions which are used as comfortable hotels were the residencies of Emperor Franz-Joseph, princess Sissi, Isadora Duncan and Chekhov. Professor Plavsik initiated organizing a clinic specializing in rehabilitation of patients suffering from cardio-vascular and respiratory diseases and rheumatism which was built in 1957.

This region is noted for its subtropical Mediterranean climate – very mild winter with average January temperature of 6,5°С and very warm summer with average July temperature of 22,4°С. Annual rainfall is 1681 mm. Sun shines here for 2230 hours in a year. The resort is also protected from moist western winds.


Major salubrious factors

Soft climate, comfortable sandy beaches, warm sea, many sunny days in a year – all of these are important factors for climatothalassotherapy which is the main method of the resort. Besides others advanced methods of hydropathy, different physiotherapy services, remedial gymnastics (in groups and individually), acupuncture, massage, diet therapy services are available. Medicine is quite advanced here; innovative therapeutic and diagnostic equipment is always available.

Major indications for treatment


Musculoskeletal system disorders, degenerative and inflammatory diseases of joints (rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, Bekhterev’s disease), diseases of nervous system and skin (neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis, ichtyosis, psoriasis and others). Wide range of general respiratory diseases, gynecopathy, metabolic and endocrine system diseases, different sanitary programs are carried out. Patients are placed in modern perfectly equipped hotels and motels which attract them with their comfort and wide range of capabilities for recreation and sanitation.


Leisure. Sport.

The first tourist hotel was built in the town in 1840. Amazing tourist traditions that are now the foundation of successful travel industry in whole Croatia were set up here. Such success of the region is something the world’s best tourist centers would wish to have. Visitors can visit different pools, tennis courts and fitness clubs. You can travel to Rijeka, Krk and Crek islands. There are lots of restaurants, café and night clubs to visit here. Many hotels provide wonderful conditions to organize business meetings, congresses, symposiums. What is most attractive about the resort is the beautiful nature, traditions and hospitality.

Opatija is only 6 kilometers away from Lovar which is the best choice for family recreation. The name Lovar originated from buxom laurel groves which are typical for this place. Classic music concerts, cinema festivals, folklore festivals, sport events and international symposiums are held here. Numerous restaurants and cafes are available here all year long. Famous Lovar villas are located at the Adriatic coast, the central part of park-and-villas town. The villas were built in the 19th – 20th century by Attilio Maggiola. Nowadays Lovran is rapidly developing as a health resort for aristocrats from Austria-Hungary.



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