Route calculation
Route calculation



Mlini is a marvelous resort located on the slopes of mountain Spilan. Artificial beauty of tiled roofs takes turns with the natural charm of green gardens with straight rows of cypress. This cozy tourist town is located 10 kilometers to the south from Dubrovnik and 12 kilometers away from an airport is named after word «mill». It used to be the barony of millers and is a piece of virgin nature. It provides you with service and quality of local shingle beach where everyone can find some activity for his mind. You can dive; rent a catamaran, water ski or surf here.



Snow-white boats and yachts are ready to take you aboard and show you around the water of Adriatic. Here you can enjoy sea breeze and, having taken the equipment in advance, dive into the depth of the underwater world with its stunning variety and beauty. If you wish you can also go photo-hunting which is extremely popular among divers, you can do it during a fascinating sea-trip from Mlini to Dubrovnik by a special tourist boat which constantly cruises here.



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