Route calculation
Route calculation



In the southern part of Makarska Riviera at the bottom of Biokovo Mountain a scenic town of Zivogosce is located. It is divided into three parts – Blato, Porat and Mala Duba. Around the town there are lots of small villages along the coast. Distance between Zivogosce and Makarska is twenty kilometers. It is 80 kilometers away from Split and 120 kilometers from Dubrovnik.


Natural beauty of pine forests and olive groves rising above the shingle beaches (which are 6 kilometers long together), clean water, high mountains are the things that attract tourists who really enjoy their staying here. The places where Zivogosce is now located were settled in Illyrian and roman times which is proved by the old villa Rustika and old Illyrian graves found on the top of Susin hill. The name Zivogosce was mentioned in the beginning of the 13th century for the first time.



The Franciscanian Monastery founded here in 1616 was the center of spiritual life and literacy then. Its huge library and art collection attract thousands of tourists from all over the world.

You just must have a look at the Licinianus squib (474 b.c.) consisting of 16 Latin hexameters. This ancient literature masterpiece carved in a cave above the spring of Pokrinevica River is one of the most beautiful in the world. Here roman quaestor Licinianus praised the spring of «water of life» which remained here till nowadays.



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