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This is a seaside Mediterranean resort area in dry subtropics (developed in 1895), located 35 kilometers from the city of Rijeka. Its western parts specializes in the treatment of rheumatism and diseases of the respiratory centers of thalassotherapy "Tsrikevnitsa" and "Terme Selce." Doctors of the centers believe that a moderate Mediterranean climate and exceptionally clean beaches are a real guarantee of a full recovery of health and relaxation.


Crikvenica is protected by high ridges from the cold winds from the North and North-East. The subtropical Mediterranean climate ensures warm winter (average temperature in February is 7 degrees) and warm summers (average temperature in August is 23 degrees ), and the precipitation does not exceed 1242 mm per year. All these factors make it possible to successfully apply aerogeliotherapy and thalassotherapy. In addition, the following is widely used: balneological procedures, full physiotherapy, therapeutic exercise in the gym and swimming pools, kinesitherapy, inhalation, stone therapy, massages (classic, Ayurvedic, Shia-tsu), acupuncture.


All the procedures are performed under the supervision of physicians and with the use of modern medical diagnostic equipment. The main indications for treatment are diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, asthma and rheumatism. Special programs are being used for the treatment and rehabilitation of children. For sports fans in Crikvenica there are outdoor swimming pools with heated sea water, tennis courts, bowling, gyms, fitness center, and you can use the equipment for water sports.



There is the famous carnival center of Rijeka, where the following events are held regularly: European and world sporting, cultural and economic events. In order to get acquainted with Rijeka, you need to walk along Korzo, one of the favorite tourist destinations in the city center, walk under the symbol of Crikvenica, the City Tower, to rise to the romantic Trsat ancient settlement, as well as explore the sanctuary of the Virgin on Trsat, one of the worlds oldest shrines that is dedicated to the Virgin Mary.


Cres, Krk, Losinj and, of course, Rab, isles of the Kvaner gulf are also interesting for the tourists visiting the town.


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